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For parliamentarians



Seeks to increase and improve democratic participation by providing easy, accessible and secure communication – without the comments and vitriol synonymous with social media.

Watch the video to understand the top 5 benefits of Ask Parliament.

A simple way to improve democratic participation in


People on their mobile phones

What’s the electorate talking about?

Ask Parliament is informative and can provide a window into community issues you may not have thought of, and raises priorities you may not have been aware so many people cared about. Questions directed to you can be asked in formal scenarios such as parliamentary committee hearings and question time, or answered in written form in-app.

Two women talking

Ask Parliament reduce time spent for everyone

All users can flick through a diverse list of questions and quickly express their opinion by up-voting questions they want answered. If they cannot find an existing question that reflects their priorities, they can suggest a new one. You too can easily search for questions directed at you or other MP's on topics of interest and see a short, aggregated list of relevant and popular questions.

Federal Parliament Flag Pole

A platform encouraging democratic leadership

Every MP's contribution and responses will be public, both the questions they have raised in parliament (as suggested by the platform) and the ones they have answered.
The idea is to incentivise participation by rewarding active MP's with a public show of how well they are responding to the wishes of the electorate.

Engage your constituents

  • See real-time, prioritised (by up-votes) and accurate information in-app.
  • See the most popular questions, either from ALL of Australia or from your electorate.
  • Access insightful questions from users with expert knowledge – ask the most effective questions in parliament.
  • Enhance your preparation for media interviews.
  • Be the democratically pro-active MP who gets things done for their constituents.
  • Unlike social media – there are NO COMMENTS!  Just popular questions that if directed to you, you answer.

How to respond to your questions

  • You’ll be notified by the app when a published question has been directed to you.
  • If you know the answer, you can respond immediately.
  • The author of the question – and everyone who up-voted it – will be notified by the app that you have responded.
  • Easy reporting on the MOST important issues all in the ONE PLACE.

Raising questions in parliament or committees

  • Use your constituency questions time in parliament more effectively by prioritising the questions most important to your electorate.
  • See exact numbers of up-votes (and dismisses) to accurately gauge the importance of a question.
  • Hone your committee questions with expert insight or valuable lived experience from Ask Parliament users.
App Screenshot
App Screenshot